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We are monitoring developments in the Ukraine closely, and our thoughts are with the many people impacted by this tragic situation.

Whilst we have no LRQA colleagues in Ukraine at present, we have a small team in Russia and are working to ensure that our colleagues there, and in the surrounding regions, are safe and supported.

In parallel, we are reviewing our existing operations in Russia and will act in support of international sanctions, as well as ensuring that we support our clients as they take their own actions.  In the meantime, we have taken the immediate decision not to take on any new clients in Russia, and we are working with the broader certification and accreditation community to determine a pathway to safely suspending all current operations there.

Our colleagues are making donations to four on-the-ground charities working in or near Ukraine (Indigo Volunteers, Hope & Aid Direct, Cry in the Dark and Pads4Refugees) and every donation will be matched by LRQA. We are also offering colleagues the opportunity to volunteer some of their working time, coordinated by our partners Indigo Volunteers, in order to ensure we find safe and impactful ways to make a difference.

As a business we stand united behind the people impacted by this conflict.