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Auditor, Lead Auditor and Internal Auditor Courses.

If you’re an auditor and want to build on your existing knowledge, LRQA offers a wide range of courses to support your continued professional development.

+971 4 526 4930

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1 10 24 Results

  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Auditor Training

    Join LRQA’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) course to learn the fundamental purpose of a CSR audit program and...

    Price from test


    Places Available

    Course type

    • In-house
    • eLearning
    • Virtual
    • Public

    Course length

    Dates and location

    Virtual Class - UAE (English)
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  • ISO 22000 Auditor/Lead Auditor

    Join LRQA's CQI and IRCA certified training and learn the skills required to audit food safety management systems...

    Course type

    • In-house
    • Public
    • Virtual

    Course length

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  • Tutored Audit

    Learn how to prepare for an internal audit, produce audit reports and audit with confidence in a live,...

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  • QMS Auditor/Lead Auditor

    This four day course helps you prepare on-site audits & checklists, audit processes, gather & evaluate evidence, write...

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  • ISO 27001:2022 Transition Training

    This course is an ideal course if you are an ISMS internal auditor wishing to develop your knowledge...

    Course type

    • eLearning
    • In-house

    Course length

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  • Audit Refresher.

    A training course from LRQA if you want to refresh your knowledge of internal QMS auditing.

    Course type

    • eLearning
    • In-house

    Course length

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  • Advanced Internal QMS Auditor.

    Enhance your expertise with LRQA's Advanced Internal QMS Auditor training, focusing on comprehensive internal audits and QMS training....

    Price from test


    Course type

    • eLearning
    • In-house

    Course length

    Dates and location

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  • ISO 27001:2013 Lead Auditor Conversion

    Learn how to audit against ISO 27001 with this three day course, emphasising the importance of information security...

    Course type

    • Public
    • In-house

    Course length

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  • ISO 50001:2018 Lead Auditor

    This CQI & IRCA registered five day ISO 50001:2018 lead auditor training in UAE will equip you to...

    Price from test


    Places Available

    Course type

    • Public
    • In-house
    • Virtual

    Course length

    Dates and location

    Virtual Class - UAE (English)

    Further dates and location available

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  • ISO 14001 Lead Auditor Conversion.

    This course prepares existing lead auditors to conduct second and third party environmental management systems audits effectively. ...

    Course type

    • Public
    • In-house
    • Virtual

    Course length

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