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ISO 50001:2018 Internal Auditor

Learn how to carry out internal audits

+971 4 526 4930

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Extend your auditing skills and knowledge with this two day training course. Verify the effective implementation and maintenance of your energy management system and learn how to plan, conduct and report Energy Management System (EnMS) audits to meet key requirements of ISO 50001.

The course is delivered by tutors who are experts in management systems auditing and experienced in training.

You need this course if...

▪ You want to be an internal EnMS Auditor.

▪ You wish to extend your auditing skills and knowledge in order to verify the
effective implementation and maintenance of an energy management system.

What will you learn?

▪ The purpose, structure and key requirements of ISO 50001

▪ The responsibilities of an internal EnMS auditor

▪ To plan, conduct and report internal EnMS audits

▪ The contribution internal EnMS audits can make to the effectiveness of your
management system

▪ How to plan your audits by developing effective checklists

▪ How to verify that current practice in your organisation conforms with defined

▪ That auditing for conformity can improve the stability and robustness of
management systems

▪ To gather objective evidence through observation, interviewing and sampling of

▪ To report findings accurately

▪ What corrective action is and who is responsible for taking action

▪ How to follow up and verify the effectiveness of corrective action taken

You will need …

▪ Previous training and experience as an internal auditor for another management

▪ Knowledge of key energy management principles

▪ Ideally to have attended our ISO 50001 Energy Management Principles Course or
ISO 50001 Essentials for the Energy Management Team course.

Your future development...

▪ EnMS Lead Auditor or EnMS Lead Auditor Conversion

▪ ISO 50001 Energy Management Principles Course

▪ ISO 50001 Essentials for the Energy Management Team course.

▪ Tutored Audits (coached live audit at your company)

▪ See our Business Improvement courses

Course length

  • Two days.


If you are looking for a course for four or more people, you may find our in-house option more cost-effective. Contact the team for a quote.