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Machinery dynamics of rotating equipment training.



The course gives a structured introduction to the dynamics of rotating equipment, primarily focusing on turbomachinery used in the oil & gas industry.

Basic as well as cutting edge concepts will be illustrated by detailed case studies and reviews of several projects from our consultancy, and some of the phenomena will be demonstrated on a test rig.

More than 200 engineers have participated in the course, many on recommendation from colleagues and contacts.

Who should attend?

Anyone who wants to understand rotating equipment dynamics and who has a responsibility for acquiring, managing, designing, integrating, testing or troubleshooting rotating equipment and the surrounding systems.

There are no requirements for academic background, but it is underlined that some topics will be covered in depth.

What will you learn?

  • be in a better position to participate in troubleshooting of machinery dynamic problems

  • be able to evaluate American Petroleum Institute (API) rotordynamic analysis results and reports

  • have a better understanding of the qualitative and quantitative influence of machine elements and operating conditions on the rotordynamic properties

Course content

  • Frequency analysis

  • Basic machinery dynamics

  • Simple system demonstration

  • Modal analysis

  • Torsional vibrations

  • Rotordynamics 101

  • API rotordynamic analysis

  • Exercise: unbalance response

  • Machine elements affecting 1X vibration (bearings, seals, support structure)

  • Rotorkit demonstration

  • Asynchronous forced vibrations (coupled torsional-lateral, rotating stall and surge, variable-speed drive control)

  • Rotordynamic stability (cross coupled stiffness, mitigation of instability, case stories, exercise: stability)

  • Standards

  • Systematic failure analysis

Topics will be illustrated with numerous case studies.

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