How to calculate your organisation’s carbon footprint
On-Demand Webinar: Carbon emissions reduction
There is no one size fits all approach to measuring your organisation’s impact on climate change and there are a myriad of frameworks and standards that can be used. Every organisation’s sustainability or ESG goals will be unique depending on their size, sector, stakeholder and regulatory requirements – so it’s important to keep an open mind about the approach to take.
Measuring your organisation’s carbon footprint is a good starting point because it will give you a baseline for all your emissions reduction actions. If you are responsible for planning or implementing your organisation’s sustainability strategy.
Join us for a webinar that will guide you in sourcing data and covers topics like independent verification's value, tying carbon footprint measurement with other activities, and real-life experiences from experts at Mott MacDonald.
Topics discussed:
- The frameworks you can use to measure your carbon footprint such as ISO 14064 and ISO 14067 or PAS 2050 and industry specific standards like PAS 2080,
- The value of independent verification to add credibility to reporting,
- And how measuring your carbon footprint can tie in with other activities such as setting carbon reduction targets or becoming carbon neutral.
- Olga Rivas, ESG Product Cluster Manager, LRQA
- Daniel Carmel, Supply Chain Assurance SME, LRQA
- Alicia Winter, Group Carbon Reduction: Principal Advisor, Mott MacDonald
- Bethan Hutchinson, Senior Carbon Reduction Advisor, Mott MacDonald