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Demonstrate your approach to a safer wind turbine industry

Global Wind Organisation (GWO) certification helps members strive for an injury free work environment in the wind turbine industry.

Global Wind Organisation Certification

What is Global Wind Organisation (GWO) Certification?

The GWO is a non-profit organisation founded and owned by globally leading wind turbine manufacturers as well as their owners and operators. GWO members strive for an injury free work environment within the wind turbine industry and have established a set of common international standards for safety training and emergency procedure.

LRQA is a recognised GWO approved certification body, currently offering services for GWO around the world.

Steps for Becoming GWO Certified with LRQA

There are four elements to gaining GWO certification:

  1. Ensure your organisation has the physical resources, management system, staff resources and training capabilities to demonstrate your readiness for certification.
  2. Register your facility and your desire to become certified with LRQA and the GWO WINDA (Wind Industry Database).
  3. After LRQA conducts your audit and certification is granted, LRQA will upload your certificate to the GWINDA platform, and your organisation will pay the necessary annual GWO certification fee. GWO will contact you to complete your registration, and you will receive the ‘Certified Training Provider’ logo with instructions for use.
  4. Your GWO certification with LRQA will last for a period of two years for fixed training facilities, mobile training facilities and digital learning during which LRQA will conduct surveillance audits to assess your ongoing compliance to the GWO requirements. After the two-year period, LRQA will re-audit your organisation in line with the latest GWO criteria. For on site training LRQA will issue a certificate with a validity of one year.

Learn more about this process on the GWO website.