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COVID-19 and GFSI Temporary Audit Measures.

On 30th March 2020, the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) updated their statement on Temporary Audit Measures for their standards during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

You can read GFSI’s statement here.

In response to this, we can confirm that LRQA remains fully able and committed to delivering on-site audits wherever possible so that customers can seek to retain certification and have their food safety standards assessed by our sector specialists during the normal audit window.

Where this is not possible – and customers who are GFSI certified seek to extend their certificates for a period of six months – our teams will work with you to ensure we deliver them to you at a safe and appropriate time.

Note that while LRQA provides remote audits against a several non-GFSI aligned accredited and 2nd party standards, these are currently not an option for GFSI-aligned standards.
Standards which are currently impacted which LRQA deliver include:

FSSC 22000
ISO 22000 (when combined with FSSC 22000)

Through this difficult time, we believe food safety is even more important than ever. As such we continue to work with food and drink businesses in any way we can to help assess their supply chains’ integrity and ongoing food safety standards.

For further details and to find out how your business is impacted and how we can help you, please contact your local office.