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Business Assurance training courses.

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  • NEN Safety Culture Ladder Masterclass 4 & 5


    The workshop is intended for NEN SCL Qualified (Lead) Auditors seeking NEN SCL authorisation to conduct NEN SCL...

    Course Type

    • In-house
    • Virtual
    • Public

    Course Length

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  • NEN Safety Culture Ladder Setting up and Implementation


    A workshop on the NEN Safety Culture, backgrounds on Organisational Culture, Attitude and Behaviour

    Course Type

    • Virtual
    • In-house
    • Public

    Course Length

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  • NEN Safety Culture Ladder 2.0 Update training


    A training course which is part of the qualification as a NEN Safety Culture Ladder 2.0 (Lead) Auditor

    Course Type

    • In-house
    • Public
    • Virtual

    Course Length

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  • NEN Safety Culture Ladder 2.0 Lead Auditor Training


    This training is intended for potential NEN SCL auditors who want to audit a safety culture system according...

    Course Type

    • Public
    • Virtual
    • In-house

    Course Length

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  • Introduction to Net Zero

    Get a concise overview of net zero and its implementation within organisations with this IEMA-certified Introduction to Net...

    Course Type

    • In-house
    • Public
    • Virtual
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  • Leading with Environmental Sustainability

    Elevate your strategic environmental sustainability understanding with LRQA's IEMA-certified course. Ideal for executives, boards and investors.

    Course Type

    • Public
    • Virtual
    • In-house
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  • Pathways to Net Zero

    Discover clear guidance for navigating the climate crisis and delivering net zero with this IEMA-certified Pathways to Net...

    Course Type

    • Public
    • Virtual
    • In-house
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  • Environmental Sustainability Skills for Managers

    Learn about this certified IEMA environmental sustainability skills for managers LRQA training. Drive improvements in sustainability in your...

    Course Type

    • Public
    • Virtual
    • In-house

    Course Length

    Dates and Location

    Virtual Class - IN(English)

    Further dates & locations available

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  • Environment Sustainability Skills for the Workforce

    Get a practical introduction to environmental sustainability with this IEMA-certified LRQA training. Create a measurable sustainability impact.

    Course Type

    • Public
    • Virtual
    • In-house
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  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Auditor Training

    Join LRQA’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) course to learn the fundamental purpose of a CSR audit program and...

    Course Type

    • In-house
    • eLearning
    • Virtual
    • Public

    Course Length

    Dates and Location

    Virtual Class - IN(English)
    View details and book



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