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ISO 45001 for Internal Auditor Migration.

Build on your internal auditing experience

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Who should attend?

  • You wish to build on your existing occupational health and safety management system internal auditing experience
  • You are an internal occupational health and safety management system auditor wanting to learn about ISO 45001 and how the revisions to this standard affect you
  • You are an internal auditor working in an organisation that is certified to OHSAS 18001:2007 and is migrating to the new revision of the standard.

What will you learn?

  • The key changes introduced in ISO 45001
  • The enhanced requirements concerning process thinking and use of the process model to prepare for an internal audit
  • How to audit the effective implementation of processes, taking into consideration the context of the organisation, risks and opportunities and monitoring and measurement requirements
  • The requirements for leadership and identify related audit evidence.

What do you need to prepare?

  • To have attended an internal occupational health and safety management system auditor training course and have experience of conducting occupational health and safety management system audits
  • Basic knowledge of ISO 45001 prior to attending this course, which ideally will have been acquired by attending the LRQA ISO 45001 Update Workshop training course.

Training from LRQA

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Your future development

Course length

One day face-to-face

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