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Types of In-house Training.

Our In-house training has inspired lasting improvements to management systems in organisations like yours.

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In-house training is suitable for companies of all sizes, working in any sector.

There is the option to choose from standard courses, which can be delivered exclusively for your own team, alternatively mix and match elements of different courses or bespoke training courses can be developed according to your business needs.

An excellent course which had the right level of interaction. I feel I learnt a huge amount. The trainer was excellent.
Thales James Goff

Standard courses

All our standard courses can be delivered either at your own site or a different venue.
Some of our courses are specifically designed to be delivered as In-house only.

Mix and Match Courses

Combine elements from different courses to support you and your organisation in addressing challenges that have been pinpointed by your assessor or audit team.

Our purpose is to help you bridge particular skill gaps, overcome specific challenges and smooth your way to your first or next level of certification.

Tutored Audits

This is a live audit training method, perfect to follow up the auditor training and to translate theory into practice. This will enable new auditors to confidently apply new skills in their own working environment. 

Benefits of Tutored Audit Training

  • Complete one of your scheduled audits using your own processes and paperwork
  • Work under the guidance and support of one of our experienced auditors
  • Keep all your plans on track
  • Identify opportunities to improve your business effectiveness.




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