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Training HHI for expansion in wind turbine installation.

Designing and delivering bespoke training with the RES Group for a leading Chinese EPC contractor


Client challenge

low_carbon_-_bespoke_training_programme_-_hands_pointingHHI is an engineering company providing integrated services and solutions to clients in the power generation, mining, port terminal, stockyard, minerals, cement plant, petrochemical and civil infrastructure industries, globally.

As one of China's largest EPC contractors, HHI was keen to extend its offshore wind turbine installation services to external markets, such as Taiwan. To do this, the company recognised that it needed to grow its capabilities in offshore wind farm operations and maintenance first.  The client required depth and breadth of expertise to demonstrate credibility and competency in this sector outside of its home territory.

How we helped

Collaborating with Renewable Energy Systems (RES Group), we devised a bespoke training programme for our client’s engineers. This considered existing internal competencies and where there could be skills gaps. Alongside our client and partner, we defined the scope of HHI's training requirements, identifying which specialists would input where. The programme included training and follow-up material, having assessed our client's needs in detail.

RES Group is a leading renewable energy company with expertise in a wide range of energy technologies, from onshore and offshore wind energy to solar power, energy storage and transmission.

Client benefits

  • Deep domain expertise, embedded in the business

  • Investor and regulator confidence

  • Enhanced service portfolio

  • Strengthened competitive offer

  • Enhanced employer reputation

Client feedback

“The training delivered by LRQA and RES equipped our teams with systematic knowledge about essential geotechnical, load, structure and other disciplines involved in offshore wind turbine support structure design. This has enabled HHI to successfully expand our EPC portfolio into new markets.”

Yingjiu Zhao

Chief engineer, HHI

Powerful results

Since HHI's engineers completed the training programme, the company has successfully entered the Taiwanese offshore wind market. HHI has also gained a valuable new resource:  access to engineers with project experience from the European offshore wind industry. By sharing best practice, potentially costly mistakes will be avoided.

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