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2019 IPEIA Conference.

About the event

The IPEIA Conference began over 20 ago years and has become an internationally recognized annual conference to gather Pressure Equipment Integrity industry groups together to further improve best practices and provide education for those committed to this specialty in the energy sector.


- To increase awareness of pressure equipment safety and reliability throughout industry using technological improvements associated with fabrication, maintenance and inspection.
- To provide knowledge and education for the continuous development of our business.
- To provide a forum for the interaction between industry, regulators and educators.
- To provide a platform through which pressure equipment industry concerns and /or initiatives can take hold and be administered.

The IPEIA Conference is an annual conference held in the beautiful majestic Rocky’s of Alberta at the Banff Conference Centre the last week of February or first week of March. With over 750 delegates in attendance who have come to expect the following from the conference:

- 40-50 Paper Presentations
- Keynote Speakers
- Industry Workshops
- Industry Group Meetings
- Industry Leading Peer Networking
- Stakeholder Exhibiting
- Certified Training for:
   > Pressure Relief Devices Requirements & Recommended Practices Seminar
   > CSA B51 / ASME B31.3 Process Piping Essentials
- Exhibition
   > More than 80 exhibiting companies
   > Hands on demonstrations

Over five days participants will have the opportunity to interact with industry peers in two full days of Pre-Conference Training & Certification Opportunities, Industry Meetings, three days of Conference Presentations filled with keynote speakers, networking events, exhibition and hands on demonstrations.

Additional information

Jessie Wong, Americas AI&DS Program Manager
Program Committee Member, External Communications Committee Member

Preconference Workshop – OPEX Reduction – Maintenance Optimization Case Studies:
Wednesday, February 27
Room Kinnear TBD
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Shervin Sadeghi, Americas Maintenance and Reliability Manager
Assessing performance of a corrosion control program & incorporating data analytics
Wednesday, February 27
Room 305
3:20 PM – 3:55 PM

Jamie Davidson, Area Sales/Business Development Manager
Jessie Wong, Committee Session Chair
Asset Integrity Optimization in the Oil Sands through Risk Based Inspection – Case Study
Thursday, February 28
Room 305
9:10 AM – 9:45 AM

Victor Del Nero, Asset Integrity Specialist
HTHA Damage Detection and Characterization using ToFD, PAUT and TFM/FMC
Thursday, February 28
Room 301
10:50 AM – 11:25 AM

HTHA Damage Detection and Characterization using ToFD, PAUT and TFM/FMC
Thursday, February 28
Room 301
10:50 AM – 11:25 AM
Jessie Wong, Committee Session Chair

Acoustic Emission On-Stream Monitoring of HTHA Cracks in a Pressure Vessel
Thursday, February 28
Room 301
11:30 AM – 12:05 PM
Jessie Wong, Committee Session Chair