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Welding engineering support saves client time and costs.

Asset Integirty


The client is a manufacturing and fabrication company who manufactures various structural and piping equipment for the Oil & Gas industry.

Welding and materials engineering support was required for the qualification of one PQR (API 5L X70 grade Pipe), including coordination and support for the mechanical testing, producing final WPS and PQR to ASME B31.3, ASME sec IX and ISO 15156-2 standards. Continual support to qualify other PQRs for their various clients was also requested.

How we helped

We assisted the client with reviewing welding drawings, specifications, and material details, advising on the selection of suitable welding consumables, liaising with suppliers, and provided support for the procurement of the electrodes.

Our experienced welding engineers provided support and guidance to carry out the welding, recording the data, producing the WPS and testing plan and issuing a testing report with any corrections and suggested improvements. As well as producing a final Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) and Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) based on the data, and liaising with relevant testing laboratories in the UK to verify that the results meet specific code requirements.

This support assisted the client by increasing efficiency and highlighted potential improvements and enhanced methods that could be adopted for future jobs.

The impact

We saved the client time and cost by successfully qualifying PQR in the first attempt and avoided the requirement for re-welding and re-testing another coupon. This enabled the client to avoid any penalty from their end client due to any delays/non-availability of a qualified WPS.


  • Increased cost efficiency from using the LRQA one stop service - using our approved Lab in the UK for testing.
  • Quicker turn-around time, even by sending samples overseas to the UK Lab.
  • Increased confidence in the quality of the procedure and documentation.

Key services and solutions

Here are links to some of the services and solutions that came together to deliver the project.

Asset integrity solutions

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