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Fish Farm

Responsible consumption and production

Embed best practices throughout your supply chain, to create more effective partnerships centred around transparency and trust

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Whether it’s the food we eat and clothes we wear, or the cars we drive and devices in our homes, consumers demand that businesses use less, source responsibly and treat people fairly.

As supply chains continue to expand and become more complex, organizations are devoting significant time and effort to challenge, influence and monitor their suppliers’ social and environmental performance. Compliance with industry-leading standards and schemes, and accurate, independently verified reporting creates a competitive advantage that demonstrates a commitment to long term sustainable sourcing, consumption and production.

Our responsible consumption and production services

From certification against global and country-specific standards and schemes, to verification and fully customised solutions – LRQA partners with you to improve supply chain transparency and make your sustainability gains more visible to key stakeholders.

Interested in finding out how we can help your organization?


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