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ISO 9000 & Audits World Conference

ISO 9000 & Audits World Conference

About the event

Be sure to visit our virtual booth during the exhibitor network breaks!

Don’t miss two LRQA presentations:

Tuesday, March 29 - 11:50 AM
ISO 9001 Audits: Using Bull's-Eye Assessment Method (BeAM) for Better Results
Presented by Owen Ramsay, LRQA, EMS & QMS Lead Assessor

Determining the efficacy of an organization’s leadership team while concomitantly assessing ISO 9001:2015 compliance can be challenging. One successful approach is the bull’s-eye assessment method (BeAM). The method uses balanced scorecard performance metrics to support ISO 9001:2015 compliance assessments and provides insights into the effectiveness of communication and leadership activities.

You will take away an understanding of BeAM, including:

  • The business assurance method
  • Assessing the leadership team
  • Determining compliance
Tuesday, March 29 – 12:25 pm
Mitigating Onsite Auditing Risks During COVID 19
Presented by Roderick Munro, LRQA, Senior Lead Management System Auditor

A lot of discussions have occurred since the start of COVID-19 on how to conduct remote audits; however, now that auditing is returning to some level at the site level, what precautions may be needed?

For all levels of ISO 19011 auditing, returning to site level by any auditor involves some level of risk. Auditing for 1st, 2nd, or 3rd party auditors is not the same as it once was and everyone needs to be thinking safety in more ways than we once did.

Just ensuring that you have good Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) may not be enough to ensure the safety of the auditor and the auditees.

A cross-functional team of auditors and managers have been discussing the issues of auditing on site post COVID-19 and this presentation is intended to be a synopsis of the teams discussions and learnings on how we can promote safety and mitigate risks at all levels of the auditing process. One expected outcome is a checklist for both the auditor and auditee site on things to consider for risk mitigations.

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