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ISO 13485 Training Courses.

LRQA provides a range of practical training courses led by trained and qualified tutors. Many courses are endorsed by the relevant professional body and are designed to support your organisation at any stage of the certification process.

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  • Introduction to Remote Auditing.

    The LRQA online Introduction to Remote Auditing course has been designed for experienced auditors who require guidance on...

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    • eLearning

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  • ISO 13485:2016 Internal Auditor

    Our 2-day course will help you learn best practices for conducting an effective internal audit in accordance with...

    Course Type

    • Public
    • In-house

    Course Length

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  • ISO 13485:2016 Implementation

    Our 2-day course covers how to design and implement an effective Quality Management System (QMS) based on ISO...

    Course Type

    • Public
    • In-house

    Course Length

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