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With a growing focus on sustainability, many organizations are taking a more holistic approach to the environmental impact of their products and services. The international environmental management system (EMS) standard, ISO 14001, requires organizations to consider a life cycle perspective when determining their environmental aspects from raw materials and production through to transportation, use and disposal.

During this webinar, we discussed how the life cycle approach can help you to improve your environmental performance and prevent environmental impacts being shifted inadvertently along the value chain. Our experts, Katerina Liana, Core Technical Product Manager at LRQA, and Sarah Eyre, Management Systems Trainer and Lead Auditor at LRQA, shared their insight gathered from working with organizations across a range of sectors on how the life cycle perspective has impacted organisations’ approaches to environmental management.

Key points discussed:

  • What is the life cycle perspective in ISO 14001?
  • What will your auditor be looking for?
  • What are the implications and benefits for your organization?
  • Q&A


  • Katerina Liana, Core Technical Product Manager, LRQA
  • Sarah Eyre, Management Systems Trainer and Lead Auditor, LRQA