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TCR Certification Service.

We offer an exceptional history of entity verification through TCR and it’s predecessor, the California Climate Action Registry (CCAR), having verified the majority of emissions reported under CCAR.

Learn about Certifying to The Climate Registry (TCR)

866 971 5772

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The Climate Registry Certification

If you are planning to report and verify your greenhouse gas emissions under The Climate Registry (TCR), we can help. Having worked with The Climate Registry to develop industry-specific protocols, you can be confident in our team's technical aptitude. We bring you the global experience, local capability and renowned technical expertise that your organization needs.

Benefits of TCR Certification

  • Your emissions and your GHG management systems will be reviewed for consistency with TCR protocols and ISO standards.
  • Our team will demonstrate our independence and impartiality using the established conflict-of-interest review process.
  • Verification will be based on the data you enter into CRIS along with the supporting documentation you provide.
  • We will apply a risk-based analysis to develop a verification plan.
  • We will conduct site visits on a frequency as required by TCR.
  • We will deliver a verification report with descriptions of the verification process, any findings and the resolution of findings; If any findings arise, you'll have an opportunity to correct them prior to finalization of verification activities.
  • A Verification Statement from one of our lead verifiers is provided once your inventory meets the materiality (accuracy) threshold of 95%.

Need help with TCR Certification Service?

We offer an exceptional history of entity verification through TCR and it’s predecessor, the California Climate Action Registry (CCAR), having verified the majority of emissions reported under CCAR. And because we're accredited by ANAB for TCR inventory verifications under ISO 14065, you can be confident in our independent, impartial verification services, and our ability to meet your needs without delay.

We have verified the majority of emissions registered with CCAR, and were one of the first verifiers to become ANAB Accredited for TCR verification. By choosing us to perform your verification, your organization can have the confidence of knowing that you've selected one of the most experienced and trusted verifiers in the industry.

Why choose LRQA?

  • ANAB accredited for TCR verifications - In fact, we're one of the first
    approved verifiers.
  • Long-standing registry history - Our extensive experience with GHG Registries means that we can complete TCR-required processes quickly and efficiently.
  • Systems-based approach to verification - Enabling us to focus our efforts on areas of highest risk in your inventory.
  • Understand your organization's business needs - We'll schedule and conduct site visits in ways that minimize impacts on your staff and operations.
  • Provide you with thorough verification reports - We believe that corrective actions taken in response to verification findings provide excellent opportunities for optimizing your GHG data reporting system.

Contact us to learn more about TCR certification.

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