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Five benefits of implementing a health and safety management system.

One year on from the launch of ISO 45001, the first ISO standard for Occupational Health and Safety, we spoke to James Bream, General Manager at Katoni Engineering, about the benefits that being an early adopter has brought to their organisation.

One year on from the launch of ISO 45001, the first ISO standard for Occupational Health and Safety, we spoke to James Bream, General Manager at Katoni Engineering, about the benefits that being an early adopter of ISO 45001 early has brought to their organisation:

1. Improved performance

The new standard ensures that the OH&S management system is fully aligned with the business strategy, hence it will improve performance and has enabled us to establish performance processes into our organisation earlier.

2. Enhanced reputation

Migrating to the new standard early has reassured our customers and stakeholders that we take health and safety seriously and this has increased their confidence.

3. Reduced risk and costs

We had the time to do an internal gap analysis, plan thoroughly and correct any problems, avoiding the risk of our certificate expiring before migrating or rushing to meet the requirements of the new standard. Also, if we had decided to migrate over a long period of time, we would have needed to demonstrate compliance with OHSAS 18001 during the migration period which would have increased the costs.

4. Increased engagement

Both our leadership and employees were very excited to be early adopters. We had the time to identify the right people to lead the processes, explain the expected benefits of the new management system and engage every member of the team.

5. Stakeholder engagement

The early adoption gave us the chance to promote our achievement and invite key stakeholders to celebrate together our certification and discuss our future plans.


Discover more about Katoni’s journey to ISO 45001 certification in this case study.

Find  more information on LRQA’s ISO 45001 training, gap analysis, and assessment services here.