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LRQA's David Cain awarded Silver Patent Award by ASME at OTC 2017 Houston.

David Cain, Principal Engineer DTE Technical Governance at LRQA, the leading provider of engineering and technology-centric professional services, was awarded the Silver Patent Award by the Petroleum Division of ASME.

David Cain, Principal Engineer DTE Technical Governance at LRQA, the leading provider of engineering and technology-centric professional services, was awarded the Silver Patent Award by the Petroleum Division of ASME on 01 May at the one of the world's largest oil and gas events - OTC 2017 event in Houston, Texas.

On receiving the award Cain says: "My thanks to ASME for this prestigious award. It has been an incredible journey with ASME over the years and I personally want to thank the ASME committee and its organisation for recognising the importance of technical advancement across oil and gas and the energy industry. I believe the combination of LRQA and its work with ASME on creating a shared understanding of the critical relationship between compliance and technology is always going to be an important driver for the industry – especially with today's challenges and opportunities with a sustained low oil price environment."

Patents are a major achievement in the career path of a petroleum mechanical engineer. ASME's petroleum division seeks to encourage and recognise engineers holding patents. Each year, the division gives one ASME Petroleum Division member who has received at least 25 U.S. patents, the Silver Patent Award. It is presented at The Annual Dinner at the OTC Houston event.

Cain has achieved more than 35 years delivering projects associated with oil and gas production, intervention, completions, offshore drilling, and military technical solutions, all with a focus on regulations and standards. Cain was responsible for introducing the first API validation document. His work has resulted in 49 US and foreign patents.