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Register to be a NERS accredited provider in Northern Ireland.


The National Electricity Registration Scheme (NERS) has been developed to allow Independent Connections Providers (ICPs) to carry out contestable connection work. Any provider wishing to carry out this work within the contestable market, as defined by the Utility Regulator, must be accredited under this scheme.

The scheme represents part of an ongoing process to introduce competition into the electricity connections market.

Register to be a NERS accredited provider in Northern Ireland.

What are the benefits?

Accreditation under the scheme will provide the service provider with the following benefits:

  • Accreditation recognised by NIE Networks and SONI.
  • Independent assessment and registration process
  • Assignment of an accreditation mark which will represent the achievement of a high technical, quality and safety standard
  • LRQA website listing of registered service providers

Both NIE Networks and SONI recognise this scheme and, provided that the NERS providers hold the appropriate scheme accreditations, the NERS provider can compete for work within the contestable connections market. When awarding contracts to registered NERS providers, the developer, who is usually the client organisation, can be confident that once the work has been completed, that NIE Networks will adopt the connection for the remainder of its lifetime. All contractors who wish to undertake any part of the contestable connections process including project management, design and construction will require the relevant accreditation. 

The scopes of registration are as follows:

  • design
  • project management
  • cable laying (LV,11kV, 33kV, 110kV, 275kV)
  • cable jointing (LV, 11kV, 33kV, 110kV, 275kV)
  • overhead lines wooden pole and/or steel tower (up to and including 275kV)
  • substation installation (11kV, 33kV, 110kV, 275kV)
  • all associated civil engineering works including excavation, cable laying and backfilling
  • Unmetered