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MITA achieves information security excellence with LRQA certification.

MITA achieves information security excellence with LRQA certification.

Client challenge

The Malta Information Technology Agency (MITA) is the central driver of Government’s Information and Communications Technology (ICT) policy, programmes and initiatives in Malta:

  • It manages the implementation of IT programmes in Government to enhance public service delivery and provides the infrastructure needed to execute ICT services to Government;
  • it is also responsible to propagate further use of ICT in society and economy and to promote and deliver programmes to enhance ICT education and the use of ICT as a learning tool.
  • It supports the Government of Malta in the implementation of innovative technologies that better serve citizens and businesses.
  • It acts as a national reference point on cyber security to strengthen the nation’s defence against cyber-attacks, thanks to its commitment to implement vigorous controls as required and mandated by the ISO 27001 standard.

Through its 20 years of ISO certification, MITA had business relations with different Certification Bodies.  MITA is currently certified against ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 under the TickITplus Scheme, and against ISO 14001.  This year, after fulfilling the previous certification contract, MITA chose to change the Certification Body for its TickITplus certification to gain further and new work experiences, while building a new business relationship with new Auditors.  This helps in adopting new ideas and new methods of work.

What impact did a certification have or are you expecting it will have on your business?

The ISO Certification journey has changed the way MITA thinks and acts. In all we do, we are always conscious to do it right first time, ensuring security, while keeping in mind to protect the environment. Throughout the years, these fundamental values became part of MITA Management performance, and that of its Employees.

How did LRQA help you?

In this regard, we are looking forward towards this new work experience with LRQA, to motivate new ways of providing better services to our Clients.  We are already experiencing a positive relationship with LRQA, who, through the change over from the previous Certification Body, were very helpful and understanding while we were going through the process.  The help and guidance received from the various LRQA contacts was very positive, resulting in a very smooth transition.

How did our Client Portal help you in your daily business?

One of the positive effects that is already showing and giving results is the LRQA's Client Portal. Through this Portal, clients are kept updated with all the information required, especially that regarding the outcomes of the onsite audit visits. Clients are able to communicate and record all required corrective actions, and in turn these are evaluated and accepted as applicable. This is a fully online procedure. From the Portal, Clients can access their certificates and the visits’ reports, while they can also see the analytics regarding the results acquired.

Client Insights

Acquiring ISO Certification is not simply a fact of having a certificate for your products, but rather a confirmation that an Organization’s operations are in line with current industrial standards. As such, a certification will serve as a benchmark against the type of ISO standard adopted by an Organization. Therefore, ISO Certifications serve as a means to build a mentality of continuous improvement, whether being in quality, information security, environmental management or in any other particular area of expertise of an Organization. It will change the way Management and Employees think, plan and act while building and executing their Organizational Strategy.

The Malta Information Technology Agency (MITA)