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EN 10204:2004 Type 3.2 Certification services

Traceable assurance for safety-critical materials

Ensuring your materials meet European regulations

Evolving Supply Chains and ESG concerns add to the existing risk of material provenance. Some Regulations, such as EU directives, require that the materials used meet defined chemical and mechanical properties. We can help you ensure that the materials you use meet your needs including the requirements of the European standard EN 10204:2004 Type 3.2.

We offer independent assurance of the material, which also includes "intent-of" Type 3.2 certification. Our three-step inspection process delivers bespoke examination and testing solutions tailored to the needs of your business, ensuring materials are traceable and verified for use.

Our EN 10204:2004 Type 3.2 Services


EN 10204 Type 3.2 certification

Our experts follow a three-stage inspection process which we can also deliver remotely – providing a flexible and efficient solution.

Certificate approval

“Intent of” EN 10204 Type 3.2 certification

Where materials have only been certified to Type 3.1, LRQA can provide “Intent of” Type 3.2 certification depending on requirements.

Compliance & certification services

From EU Directives & National Regulations to international codes & standards, such as EN 10204, LRQA offers a wide range of services that support your compliance journey.

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Supply chain assurance

We can work closely with you to provide services across your supply chain, helping you maintain quality, compliance, and integrity at every stage.

Why work with us?

Global reach, local insight

LRQA offers specialist inspection & assurance services in over 80 countries, including EN 10204, helping clients in every sector. Our team of over 1,500 inspection experts utilises extensive local sector knowledge to help thousands of clients safely and sustainably establish best practices.

LRQA auditors having a conversation with a client

Consistent approach

We work with you, to gain a comprehensive understanding of your business including your EN 10204 needs. Using our broad expertise and continued support, we ensure that your suppliers, equipment, processes, and projects perform in line with expectations and comply with relevant laws, regulations, and best practices.

LRQA employee doing an inspection

Flexible delivery

In many cases, our services can be delivered on-site or remotely using safe and secure technology. If you opt for our remote delivery methods, you’ll receive the same high-quality service with several added benefits, including flexibility, fast delivery and access to global expertise.

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Total assurance

We’ve led the way in shaping our industry and continue to expand our services and expertise by collaborating with clients, acquiring businesses, and forming new partnerships. The result is a unique and connected portfolio of services – including EN 10204 - that can help you ensure complete product integrity.

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