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The NASA Liquid Hydrogen Barge fleet

Three key challenges faced by the global hydrogen industry

The LRQA knowledge transfer sessions demonstrate the necessary overview of global standards and best practices of the entire supply chain process.


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Low-carbon hydrogen is an excellent source of clean energy and represents a fantastic opportunity for countries to establish hydrogen-based economies and decarbonise their industries.

While progress has been ticking along at a relatively slow rate in years past, the recent COP26 summit has acted as an accelerator for the hydrogen industry to begin moving forward, and it is now doing so at a pace that we’ve never seen before.

This is reflected by recent figures fromthe EIC, which is tracking no fewer than 300 hydrogen projects globally with an anticipated capital expenditure of US$352 billion.
As we move forward post-COP26, hydrogen strategies and projects will continue to be developed at a faster rate across the planet, particularly in key markets such as Europe, the U.S., and Australia.

With this growth, however, come several key challenges that the industry will need to overcome to achieve at-scale use and deployment.

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